Versionen im Vergleich


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VASP is an MPI-parallel application. We recommend to use mpirun as the job starter for VASP. The environment module providing the mpirun command associated with a particular VASP installation needs to be loaded ahead of the environment module for VASP.

VASP VersionUser GroupVASP ModulefileCompute PartitionsMPI RequirementCPU/GPULise/EmmySupported Features
5.4.4 with patch 16052018vasp5_2vasp/5.4.4.p1CentOS 7impi/2019.5(Haken) / (Fehler)(Haken) / (Haken)
6.4.1vasp6vasp/6.4.1CentOS 7impi/2021.7.1(Haken) / (Fehler)(Haken) / (Fehler)OpenMP, HDF5, Wannier90, Libxc
6.4.2vasp6vasp/6.4.2CentOS 7impi/2021.7.1(Haken) / (Fehler)(Haken) / (Fehler)OpenMP, HDF5, Wannier90,   LibxcDFTD4 van-der-Waals functional
6.4.3vasp6vasp/6.4.3Rocky Linux 9impi/2021.13(Haken) / (Fehler)(Haken) / (Fehler)OpenMP, HDF5, Wannier90, Libxc, DFTD4 van-der-Waals functional, libbeef
6.4.1vasp6vasp/6.4.1GPU A100nvhpc-hpcx/23.1

(Fehler) / (Haken)

(Haken) / (Fehler)

OpenMP, HDF5, Wannier90
