Versionen im Vergleich


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The compute nodes of the CPU cluster of system Lise are organised via the following Slurm partitions.

Partition name

Node count


Main memory (GB)

Max. nodes
per job

Max. jobs per user (running/ queued)

Wall time limit (hh:mm:ss)Remark
cpu-clx688Cascade 9242362512

128 / 500

default partition
start slurm jobs on
cpu-clx:test32 dedicated
+128 on demand
362 161 / 50001:00:00test nodes with higher priority but less wall time
large96287478128 / 50012:00:00fat memory nodes
large96:test2 dedicated
+2 on demand
74721 / 50001:00:00fat memory test nodes with higher priority but less wall time
large96:shared2 dedicated7471128 / 50048:00:00fat memory nodes for data pre- and post-processing
huge96215221128 / 50024:00:00

very fat memory nodes for data pre- and post-processing

See Slurm usage how to pass the 12h wall time limit with job dependencies.
