Versionen im Vergleich


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  • 3 login nodes Lenovo ThinkSystem SR645 V3

    • Dual AMD EPYC 9254 24-Core Processor

    • 755 GiB RAM

    • 960 GB SDD local storage


Code execution

To execute your code you need to

  1. build a binary (executable, model code), see Workflow OpenMPI CPU Genoa Workflow CPU CLX,

  2. create a slurm job script like in Workflow CPU CLX with a slurm partition in table Partition for CPU CLX,

  3. submit the slurm job script.

> sbatch myjobscipt.slurm
Submitted batch job 8028673
> ls slurm-8028673.out


There is a single partition that contains all compute nodes:
