Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


The part in the parenthesis just uses ls to output all .inp files, counts them with wc and then subtracts 1, since bash arrays start counting at 0.

Select the account in your batch job

Batch jobs are submitted by a user account to the compute system.

  • For each job the user chooses one project that will be charged by the job. At the beginning of the lifetime of the User Account the default project is the Test Project.
  • The user controls the project for a job using the Slurm usage option --account at submit time.
  • For the User Account the default project for computing time can be changed under the link User Data on the Portal NHR@ZIB.

titleExample: account for unsafe-one job
To charge the account myaccount
add the following line to the job script. 
#SBATCH --account=myaccount

After job script submission the batch system checks the project for account coverage and authorizes the job for scheduling. Otherwise the job is rejected, please notice the error message:

titleExample: out of core hour
You can check the account of a job that is out of core hour.
> squeue
... myaccount ... AccountOutOfNPL ...