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PVC GPU Programming and Usage

Programs for Intel GPUs can be written using open industry and cross-platform standards, like:


  • xpu-smi (available without any environment module being loaded) lists the available GPUs from the drivers and selected metrics/properties.

  • sycl-ls [--verbose] (available in intel/... environment modules) shows GPUs and their properties as available to applications.

  • nvtop (available in nvtop environment module) shows GPU compute and memory usage.

MPI Usage

For the PVC partition, Intel MPI is the preferred GPU-aware MPI implementation. Load an impi environment module, to make it available.

To enable GPU support, set the environment variable I_MPI_OFFLOAD to "1" (in your jobscript). In case you make use of GPUs on multiple nodes, it is strongly recommended to use the psm3 libfabric provider (FI_PROVIDER=psm3)

Depending on your application’s needs set I_MPI_OFFLOAD_CELL to either tile or device to assign each MPI rank either a tile or the whole GPU device.


  • .


Refer to the Intel MPI documentation on GPU support for further information.

Example Job Script:


