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Program build and execution


titleExample: Show the currently available software and access compilers
bgnlogin1 $ module avail
bgnlogin1 $ module load gcc
bgnlogin1 $ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) HLRNenv   2) sw.a100   3) slurm   4) gcc/11.3.0(default)

Using the slurm batch system

The GPU nodes are available via Slurm partitions GPU A100.Lise's CPU-only partition and the A100 GPU partition share the same SLURM batch system. The main SLURM A100 shares the same slurm batch system with all partitions of System Lise.

  • A general introduction to the batch system you find Slurm usage.
  • Slurm partitions GPU A100 describes the specific properties of slurm for the GPU A100 partition. The main slurm partition for the A100 GPU partition has the name "gpu-a100". An example job script is shown below.
titleGPU job script
#SBATCH --partition=gpu-a100
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks=8 
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4

module load openmpi/gcc.11/4.1.4
mpirun ./mycode.bin
