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#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --partition=cpu-genoa:test #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=3 #SBATCH --job-name=auto_loc_io_test #SBATCH --output=%x.%j.out echo "" echo "Used environment variables:" echo "WORK" $WORK echo "LOCAL_TMPDIR" $LOCAL_TMPDIR # Auto set by Slurm prolog: /local/$USER_$SLURM_JOB_ID echo "" echo "Used slurm variables:" echo "SLURM_JOB_NAME" $SLURM_JOB_NAME echo "SLURM_JOB_ID" $SLURM_JOB_ID echo "SLURM_NODELIST" $SLURM_NODELIST echo "" ### prepare case # master dir. on global filesystem # can be created by master node (= directly this script) MASTERDIR=$WORK/$SLURM_JOB_NAME"."$SLURM_JOB_ID echo "All job data is (collected) here: $MASTERDIR" # subdirectories of master dir. # can be created by master node (= directly this script) INPUT_DIR=$MASTERDIR/in OUTPUT_DIR=$MASTERDIR/allout mkdir -p $INPUT_DIR mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR echo "example data inside input file" > $INPUT_DIR/input_data.dat # $LOCAL_TMPDIR (aka /local/$USER_$SLURM_JOB_ID) # is dir. on node-local ssd or ram if no ssd is present # only exist during job lifetime # subdirectories of $LOCAL_TMPDIR # can only be created node-locally (= "child" srun -w node) LOC_OUT_DIR=$LOCAL_TMPDIR/out # prepare script with empty 10 second job cat <<EOF > $INPUT_DIR/dummyjob.sh #!/bin/bash echo "Main job started on \$SLURMD_NODENAME in \$PWD." sleep 10 mkdir -p $LOC_OUT_DIR hostname > $LOC_OUT_DIR/data.\$SLURMD_NODENAME # important to use unique local name in order to mv it to global dir without overwriting echo "\$SLURMD_NODENAME main job finished. Data written to $LOC_OUT_DIR." EOF chmod u+x $INPUT_DIR/dummyjob.sh # command to cp data from global master to tempory local # before mv -> check if dir is present and if not empty (=data to copy inside) loc2mst_cmd_string='if [ -d '$LOC_OUT_DIR' ]; then if ! [ $(find '$LOC_OUT_DIR' -maxdepth 0 -empty) ]; then mv '$LOC_OUT_DIR'/* '$OUTPUT_DIR'; fi; fi' # All ifs/checks are only needed to avoid warnings triggered for example if no data to mv is present... ### cp input files to node-local directories (in parallel) pdcp -r -w $SLURM_NODELIST $INPUT_DIR $LOCAL_TMPDIR echo "Relevant data is copied to node-local locations. Main job is starting..." ### execute main job itself: e.g. mpirun or srun srun $INPUT_DIR/dummyjob.sh & main_pid=$! echo "Main job running. Start copying node-local data back to global filesystem in the background..." while ps -p $main_pid &>/dev/null; do echo "Capacity of \$LOCAL_TMPDIR is:" pdsh -w $SLURM_NODELIST "$loc2mst_cmd_string" echo "loc2mst cmd executed. New capacity of \$LOCAL_TMPDIR is:" df -h $LOCAL_TMPDIR sleep 3 done wait echo "Main job finished. Copying remaining node-local data (if any)." pdsh -w $SLURM_NODELIST "$loc2mst_cmd_string" echo "All (parallel) copy jobs are done. All data is here: $MASTERDIR" |