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ZIB, ParTec and Next Silicon are excited to invite you to the upcoming technical Accelerator Hackathon. Join us in this 1.5 day hackathon to learn about the exciting new HPC approach from NextSilicon. This deep dive covers the programming environment, profiling analysis and optimization approach with dedicated hands-on sessions to allow participants to experience this novel hardware directly.

  • date
    • starting March 21st 2024, 09:00 
    • ending March 22st 2024, 13:00
  • location
    • Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
  • For questions please send an e-mail to


  • As this event will be hands-on, please ensure that you bring your own laptop.
  • Registration: Due to limited capacity, we would ask you to RSVP until 14th March 2024 by sending an email to event@nhr.zib.deOnce we receive your registration, the team at ZIB will be in touch regarding the next steps. Please be aware that in order to participate in the event, you will need to sign an NDA.
  • How to get to ZIB: see


The NHR sites NHR@ZIB and NHR-NORD@Göttingen offer two online parallel programming days with an introduction into parallel programming with MPI, CUDA and OpenACC. The basic concepts of parallel scaling on CPU and GPU nodes will be presented giving insight into expectable performance limitations. Participation is possible without or with a user account for NHR systems Lise and Emmy (provided at ZIB and GWDG). For user accounts access to code examples discussed in the workshop is possible. Performance profiling will be introduced showing a method for the analysis of complex codes.

Further events

  • CFD day series

  • Paralleles Programmieren mit MPI und OpenMP