Versionen im Vergleich


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Please note, that there is a memory limit (currently 64 GByte) on a per user basis on the login nodes. Memory and CPU intensive tasks should be submitted as a job to our SLURM batch system.

Login authentication is possible via SSH keys only. For information and instructions please see our SSH Pubkey tutorial.


titleExample: Show the currently available software and access the Intel compiles
blogin1:~ $ module avail
blogin1:~ $ module load intel
Module for Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition (version 2019 Update 5) loaded.
blogin1:~ $ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) sw.skl   2) slurm   3) HLRNenv   4) intel/19.0.5(default)
titleMatthias testet Code
> ls -lisa
> blogin ~$

To avoid conflicts between different compilers and compiler versions, builds of most important libraries are provided for all compilers and major release numbers.


To run your applications on the systems, you need to go through our batch system/scheduler: Slurm. The scheduler uses meta information about the job (requested node and core count, wall time, etc.) and then runs your program on the compute nodes, once the resources are available and your job is next in line. For a more in depth introduction, visit our Slurm documentation.

We distinguish two kinds of jobs:


Job scripts

Please go to our webpage Quickstart MPI , and OpenMP start Guide for more details about job scripts. For introduction, standard batch system jobs are executed applying the following steps:
