Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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If the installation is successful, the scripts prompt to ask for adding the package into a list of packages that will be installed by default with a new R version. In this case, one of the package lists in /sw/viz/R/package_list is updated, a copy of the previous list is stored in /sw/viz/R/package_list_save. These lists can be edited by hand.

To remove a package, you may use


Automatic removal from the list of default packages is not implemented yet.

Installing the default R-packages

To install the bundle of predefined R-packages, use the script install_packages. It

  • loads the appropriate compiler module
  • employs install_cran, install_github and install_bioc to install the packages
  • sets the correct permissions for the installed files and libraries
$ ./install packages

The lists are located in /sw/viz/R/package_list. They can be maintained with any editor. They are the result of user requests in the past. They are over-complete, since many packages are installed in any case as prerequisite for other packages.