Versionen im Vergleich


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This page contains all important information about the batch system Slurm, that you will need to run software on the HLRN. It does not contain every feature that Slurm has to offer. For that, please consult the official documentation and the man pages.


PartitionAvailabilityMax. walltimeNodesMax. nodes
per job
Max jobs
per user
standard96Lise12:00:00952256(var)normal nodes with 384 GB memory, default partition
standard96:testLise1:00:0032 dedicated
+128 on demand
161normal test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large96Lise12:00:00284(var)fat nodes with 768 GB memory
large96:testLise1:00:002 dedicated
+2 on demand
21fat test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large96:sharedLise48:00:002 dedicated1(var)fat nodes for data pre- and postprocessing

very fat nodes with 1536 GB memory,
for data pre- and postprocessing

medium40Emmy12:00:00368128unlimitednormal nodes with 192 GB memory, default partition

16 dedicated

+48 on demand

8unlimitednormal test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large40Emmy12:00:00114unlimitedfat nodes with 768 GB memory
large40:testEmmy1:00:0032unlimitedfat test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large40:sharedEmmy24:00:0021unlimitedfor data pre- and postprocessing