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The SSH public keys are stored centrally in the HLRN LDAP service. Do not add SSH keys to your $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file at HLRN for login to HLRN from external machines. This file is only used for HLRN internal authentication and will not grant access from the outside.

titleDirectory .ssh is a hidden directory. If it is not shown by default, you might need to enter ~/.ssh in the location box. At least with Safari you can press command-shift-G and manually enter ~/.ssh. Also, you can press CTRL-H to toggle between showing and not showing hidden files. Or, another workaround: copy your public key file to a path not containing any hidden files/directories. Workaround to display hidden files

Directory .ssh is a hidden directory. If it is not shown by default, you might need to enter ~/.ssh in the location box.

At least with Safari you can press command-shift-G and manually enter ~/.ssh.

Also, you can press CTRL-H to toggle between showing and not showing hidden files.

Or, another workaround: copy your public key file to a path not containing any hidden files/directories.
