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The proposal need needs be to upload a prepared document in PDF format, the Projektbeschreibung.

The proposal is written in English or German and should contain about 10 pages.

This documents includes the main scientific content of the proposal and might be aligned to the following structure.


  1. Project description
    1. Problem description and aims of the project
    2. Scientific significance, innvation, expected results, utilization of results (about 1-2 pages for a.+b.)
    3. Mathematical modeling used
    4. Technology and tools for numerical solution (about 1-2 pages for c.+d.)
    5. Preliminary studies/results of the preceding project (about 2-3 pages)

    6. Descriptions of research plan and work packages (about 1-1.5 pages)
  2. Computational facets
    1. Software, libraries, licences, target architecture (a list)
    2. Necessity of parallel computing hardware (about 0.5 pages)
    3. Concept for parallelization, scaling properties, application performance (about 1.5 pages)
      1. Parallel efficiency, strong/weak scaling
      2. Performance properties, precondition for estimations in the resource plan
      3. Necessity of HLRN resource, larger than e.g. university
  3. Resource estimation
    1. Detailed plan for compute time, work plan (1-1.5 pages)
    2. Storage demands, scaling properties for I/O
  4. Literature
  5. Appendix
    1. Funding decisions
    2. Publication list


In case of questions regarding the required documents please contact your HLRN consultant.

