Versionen im Vergleich


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Load a module file and work interactively as usual. When ready, free the ressources:

$ scancel <jobID>

R packages

List of installed R packages

The following packages are added, when a new version of R is installed. Please contact support to extend this list.

Note, this list is generated automatically and will become available with a delay of about 3 hours.

Building R-packages with rstudio or Rscript

R-packages must be build with the same compiler as R itself was build, see the table above. This happens, when Rscript is used and the appropriate compiler module is loaded.

Hence, for installing packages in /sw it is required, to use Rscript like

$ Rscript -e 'install.packages("'$package'",repos="'$REPOSITORY'",INSTALL_opts="--html")'

Using INSTALL_opts="--html" keeps documentation of installed packages up to date! For convinience, scripts are available in the installation directory:

  • install_packages, install_package, remove_package, sync_phywiki

For convenience, R - installers may use the script install_package available in the R installation directory. Here the workarounds are collected needed to install stiff packages.

Other users may request package installation via support or install in their HOME - directory.

