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Ferret is an interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets. 

General Information

| Vendor | [[][NOAA PMEL]]||
| Installation Path | =/sw/viz/ferret/= ||
| Versions | pyferret 7.4.4 (python 3.6.8) | pyferret 7.5 (python 3.6.8) |
| Build Date | March 2019 | April 2019 |

Ferret is an interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets. PyFerret is an upgrade to Ferret which runs existing Ferret scripts and includes all Ferret functionality with updated graphics capabilities and additional analysis functions. In addition the pyferret module provides Python functions so Python users can easily take advantage of Ferret's abilities to retrieve, manipulate, visualize, and save data.

Detailed description is found at the ferret home page, where an online-manual for the latest version can be found.

Specific features related to *pyferret*, i.e., new graphic capacapabilities and the integration of *ferret* and *python* are described at the pyferret description page home page.

| Vendor | [[][NOAA PMEL]]||
| Installation Path | =/sw/viz/ferret/= ||
| Versions | pyferret 7.4.4 (python 3.6.8) | pyferret 7.5 (python 3.6.8) |
| Build Date | March 2019 | April 2019 |




Example Jobscripts


module load
