Versionen im Vergleich


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The ANSYS software package is developed and distributed by ANSYS, Inc.Image Removed.


This documentation describes the specifics of installation and usage of ANSYS at HLRN. Introductory courses for ANSYS as well as courses for special topics are offered by ANSYS Inc. and their regional offices, e.g. in Germany. It is strongly recommended to take at least an introductory course (see the CAD-FEM GmbHImage Removed homepage).

Details of the HLRN Installation of ANSYS

The ANSYS versions currently installed in Göttingen are

VersionModule FileRemarks
ANSYS 2019 R2ansys/2019r2default
ANSYS 19.2ansys/19.2
ANSYS 19.0ansys/19.0


The module name is ansys. Other versions of ANSYS may be installed. Inspect the output of module avail ansys.
