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Conditions for Usage and Licensing at HLRN

The Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB) owns licenses to install and use ABAQUS on computers owned and operated by them.

All usage of ABAQUS at HLRN is strictly limited to teaching and academic research for non-industry funded projects only.


  • Users from Berlin (account names "be*") are allowed to use the ZIB license. Add the following line to your own ABAQUS environment file $HOME/abaqus_v6.env:
  • Users from other german states can use the software installed on HLRN but have to use their own license from their own license server.



To use Abaqus you need to mail support[at] and ask to become a member of


the UNIX group abaqus.

Example Jobscripts

Distributed Memory Parallel Processing
