Versionen im Vergleich


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Example Jobscripts

#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p module load

The Climate Data Operators

General Information

VendorMPI HamburgImage Added
Installation Path/sw/dataformats/cdo/< version >
Build Date20182019

Please find the manual in the installation directory and visit the vendors website Image Added for more information. Needs testing!

Usage of the CDO Tools at HLRN


  • 1.9.5 is installed from a conda repository with support for netcdf, hdf, eccodes(grib), proj and szip and omp applications and work with the -L-flag.
  • 1.9.6 is installed from source with intel/19 compiler.


Please find the manual in the installation directory and visit the vendors website for more information.

Module-files and environment variables

To activate the package, issue

module load cdo

from the command line or put this line into your login shell.

To see the versions of the linked libraries issue

cdo --version

See the supported operations with

cdo --help

Installation hints

cdo 1.9.5 is installed in a separate environment with conda. To avoid confusing of the modules system by delivering other versions of python, netcdf, eccodes etc., the cdo binary was moved to another place. Note, when the cdo module is loaded, wrong versions of man pages of many software will be found. If this is an issue, just unload cdo.