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Day 1 (Tuesday; March 2nd, 2021)




Welcome and Introduction to Day 1 

(presentation recording)

Edmund Preiss (Intel),
Thomas Steinke (ZIB)
09:1009:40oneAPI – Introduction to a new Development Environment
- Concept and oneAPI Standardization initiative
- Intel’s Tools Implementation – Intel oneAPI Toolkits and libs
- Transition from Intel Parallel Studio XE to Intel oneAPI toolkits
Edmund Preiss (Intel)
09:4010:10Introduction to the DevCloud
- Purpose: Demoing, testing and porting applications
- Hardware and Software offerings
- How to onboard & how to get an DevCloud account
Michael Steyer (Intel)
10:1010:15Bio Break
10:1512:15Direct programming with oneAPI Compilers – with Demos
- Intro to DPC++ heterogenous programming model and SYCL 2020
- Fortran and offloading with OpenMP5.0
- DPC++ features and examples
   o  “Hello World” Example
   o  Device Selection
   o  Compilation and Execution Flow
   o  Execution Model
   o  Memory Model; Buffers, Unified Shared Memory (USM)
   o  Kernel Model
Igor Vorobtsov (Intel)
12:1513:15Lunch Break
13:1514:15Compatibility tool for porting purposes with demo            
- Migration Cuda based GPU Applications to oneAPI (DPC++)
Igor Vorobtsov (Intel)
14:1515:00Intel oneAPI libraries (oneMKL, oneDAL, …)  - with demos
- Performance optimized libraries for AI, numerical simulations and other purposes
Gennady Fedorov (Intel)
15:0015:05Bio Break
15:0515:30- Questions and Answers
- Wrap up 
Intel / ZIB
