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VASP is an MPI-parallel application. It is recommended to use mpirun as the job starter for VASP at HLRN. The MPI module providing the mpirun command associated with a particular VASP installation needs to be loaded ahead of the VASP module.

VASP VersionVASP ModulefileMPI Requirement
5.4.4 with patch 16052018vasp/5.4.4.p1impi/2019.5


The installation of VASP at HLRN comprises regular executables as well as community driven modifications to VASP as shown in the table below, all available from the vasp environment module(s).

vasp_stdmultiple k-points (formerly vasp_cd)
vasp_gamGamma-point only (formerly vasp_gamma_cd)
vasp_nclnon-collinear calculations, spin-orbit coupling (formerly vasp)
set of VASPsolImage Modified-enabled executables
set of VTSTImage Modified-enabled executables
vasptstsol_[std|gam|ncl]set of executables combining these modifications

The VTST script collection is not available from the vasp environment module(s). Instead, it is provided by the vtstscripts environment module(s).
