Versionen im Vergleich


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If there are no additional space allocations granted by the scientific board, the following default quota limits apply:

Quota Type
UserUsers40 GiB100 GiBunlim.unlim.3 TiB30 TiB250.0001.500.0002 TiB3 TiB2.0002.200
ProjectProjects40 GiB100 GiBunlim.unlim.12 TiB120 TiB1.000.0006.000.0008 TiB12 TiB8.0008.800


You are able to exceed your soft-quota limit for a grace period of 4 weeks until further write access is denied. Exceeding hard-quota limits result in a immediate deny.

The individual quota usage can be checked using 'hlrnquota' on the Login nodes.

If you have questions regarding your quota please contact your consultant.
