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During run time only few files are involved in NAMD's I/O activities. As long as standard MD runs are carried out, this is unlikely to impose stress on the Lustre file system ($WORK) . For the case of replica-exchange runs, however, the situation can be different. Here we already observed cases where a high frequency of as long as one condition is met. Namely, file metadata operations (file stat, create, open, close, rename) occurred. This has overloaded our Lustre metadata servers resulting in a severe slowdown of the entire Lustre file system. Candidates for heavy metadata file I/O are should not occur at too short time intervals. First and foremost, this applies to the management of NAMD restart files. Instead of having a new set of restart files created several times per second, the NAMD input parameter restartfreq should be chosen such that they are written only every 5 minutes or in even longer intervals. For the case of NAMD replica-exchange runs the situation can be more severe. Here we already observed jobs where heavy metadata file I/O on the individual "colvars.state" files located in every replica's subdirectory . Problems arise when these files get renamed, created, opened, and closed in too short intervalshas overloaded our Lustre metadata servers resulting in a severe slowdown of the entire Lustre file system. Users are advised to set corresponding NAMD input parameters such that each replica performs metadata I/O on these files in intervals longer than at least one secondno shorter than really needed, or, when where affordable, that these files are written only at the end of the run.
