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titleCheck quota
blogin4> hlrnquota
                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          89.45 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         187.3 k            -            -    
  prj00012  (projects)        68.03 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         659.6 k            -            -    

                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          1.202 TiB        3 TiB       30 TiB          1.74 k        250 k        1.5 M    
  prj00012  (projects)        2.512 TiB       12 TiB       30 TiB               1          1 M          6 M    


Quota on HOME and WORK

For each stored file on the file systems HOME and WORK the unix group of this file controls the attribution of quota to this unix group. For quota the directory of a file (/scratch/usr/${USER} or /scratch/projects/<projectID>) does not matter.

Each user account is a member in a number of unix groups. You can check the list of unix groups with the command groups.

For each file on disk you can figure out to which unix group it is attached to.
