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Always use the short hostname for ssh/rsync, either the generic names blogin, glogin or the specific names like blogin5, glogin2, etc. This allows the usage of the direct intersite connection HLRN Link, which ich much faster then the internet connection, which is used, when you access the nodes of the other site by the hostnames b/


Each user holds a one home directory on each compute size Emmy and Lise.

  • user directory HOME=/home/${USER}
    • configuration files
    • source code and executables

The home filesystem and /sw are mounted via NFS, so performance is medium. We take daily snapshots of the filesystem, which can be used to restore a former state of a file or directory. These snapshots can be accessed through the path /home/.snapshots or /sw/.snapshots. There are additional regular backups to restore the filesystem in case of a catastrophic failure.
