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Here you find solutions for exceeded disk quotas on the HOME and WORK file systems.

It is essential to periodically check if your data needs to be stored on the HLRN or , if it can be moved to a secure place after the computation, or can be removed.
To get a good performance for all user jobs, the usage of the shared filesystems of the HLRN resources needs to be limited.

The data on WORK is not backed up and has no disaster recovery copy.
It is assumed to be transient in nature. Any essential large data should be copied and stored on a persistent filesystemsecure location, e.g. magnetic tapes in PERM. However, currently PERM is no solution for long-term data archiving (e.g., 10 years according to rules for good scientific practice).

Scientific results should be periodically transferred to the user home institution and space made available on WORK.

Check your quota

Check your disk quota limits using the command hlrnquota. If your user ID is member of one or more project groups you will also get quota information for these project groups. Each of your files and directories is owned by your user ID (user ownership) and by exactly one of the group IDs you are a member in (group ownership). The data base for the output of hlrnquota is updated twice per hour.
