Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


titleCheck quota
blogin4:~ $ hlrnquota
                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          89.45 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         187.3 k            -            -    
  prj00012  (projects)        68.03 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         659.6 k            -            -    

                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          1.202 TiB        3 TiB       30 TiB          1.74 k        250 k        1.5 M    
  prj00012  (projects)        2.512 TiB       12 TiB       30 TiB               1          1 M          6 M    


for HOME


The HOME file system (HOME=/home/${USER}) is intended to be used for the following data:


  1. to check whether you can either delete files or move files from HOME to WORK (no backup!) or to PERM
  2. to contact your consultant, explain your storage needs, and ask for a higher quota limits.

for WORK


The WORK file system (in WORK=/scratch/usr/${USER} or /scratch/projects/<projectID>) is intended to be used for the following data:


titleChange group ownership of a directory and everything it contains
blogin4:~ $ chgrp --recursive prj00012 somedirectory
blogin4:~ $ ls -ld somedirectory
drwx------  1 myaccount  prj00012      4096 Jul  3  2020 somedirectory


Number of files, Inodes exceeded

Once you experience too many Inodes you should count the number of files.

titleNumber of Inodes
blogin4:~ $ find /home/myaccount/somedirectory | wc -l