Versionen im Vergleich


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Please periodically check whether your scientific results data stored on HLRN file systems should be periodically transferred to the user's home institution. To maintain good I/O performance for all user jobs, the usage of the shared file systems of the HLRN resources needs to be limited. The HLRN supports three different file systems HOME, WORK, and PERM for the users, see also File Systems.


  • for a higher number of files (configuration files, source code and executables)
  • limited disk space
  • backup


  • parallel input/output for your jobs, moderate number of files
  • transient nature of data
  • no backup, no disaster recovery


. Please visit File Systems for the properties of the file systems.

Quota defaults

The default values for user quota are reasonable for average use cases. We are aware that certain projects need larger quota for their workflows. If your project needs larger quotas, please contact your consultant to discuss your needs and how we can help you.
