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Format: Zoom Online Workshop
Target Group: HPC User and CFD developer
First: 29.07.2021
Repetition: every 6 month
Speakers: Lewin Stein (ZIB), Jack Ogaja (GWDG), Matthias Läuter (ZIB), Michael Wagner (DLR)

Registration: here
We will send the Zoom login credentials to your registered email address shortly before the event.

Program draft

Morning session “Build your own solver”

09:30 Welcome
[Lewin Stein - Zuse Institute Berlin]
(attendees background check: how many years of experience working with:- StarCCM, OpenFOAM, Paraview, Ansys, Abaqus or own-CFD-code?
- Fortran, C/C++, Python/Julia/Jupyter, Matlab?)

09:40 CFD project planning on a supercomputer
[Lewin Stein - Zuse Institute Berlin]("start small", data management, numerical precision)

10:30 Basic libraries of parallel computing: OpenMP, MPI, parallel I/O
[Matthias Läuter - Zuse Institute Berlin](when and how to use on our system, future challenges: accelerators)

11:30 CFD parallelization Parallelization concepts, scaling tests
[Lewin Stein - Zuse Institute Berlin](structured single/multi block, space-filling curve for unstructured grids, strong/weak scaling, literature recommendations)

12:00 Parallelization of the CODA CFD Solver
[Michael Wagner - German Aerospace Center DLR]

Afternoon session “Use of CFD software”

14:00 StarCCM, OpenFOAM, Paraview
[Jack Ogaja - IT centre Göttingen University GWDG]
(basic use, PoD key retrieval, OpenFOAM versions & advices on metadata I/O, pvserver, ...)

15:30 Ansys, Abaqus, VNC Viewer
[Lewin Stein - Zuse Institute Berlin]
(basic use, license issues)At the end: Feedback questionnaire
(Which topics would interest you in more detail at the next CFD day?)