Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  • Select: Type of key to generate: SSH-2 RSA
  • Fill in: Number of bits in a generated key: 4096
  • Press: Generate
  • Fill in: your key passphrase
  • Fill in: confirm your passphrase
  • copy the shown public key to a file somewhere for uploading 
  • Press: Save private key
  • Press: Save public key
  • Please remember the path name where you saved your SSH key files!PuTTY and related tools use a special key file format. If you also want to use the same private key just generated above for connecting with ssh (OpenSSH), rsync, or scp (as available in Cygwin, for example), you need to convert and to save the private key again under a different name or location ("Conversions" (main menu) → "Export OpenSSH key" ... "Save").

SSH Public Key Upload

Before you can log in to one of the HLRN login nodes, you first have to upload your SSH public key (not the private one) at the HLRN Service Portal. There you can also perform other administrative tasks like displaying or removing (public) keys.
