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Morning session “Build your own solver”

0910:30 00 Welcome

0910:40 15 CFD project planning on a supercomputer
[Lewin Stein - NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]

10:30 45 Basic libraries of parallel computing: OpenMP, MPI, parallel I/O
[Matthias Läuter - NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]

11:30 45 CFD Parallelization concepts, scaling tests
[Lewin Stein - NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]

12:00 30 Parallelization of the CODA CFD Solver
[Michael Wagner - German Aerospace Center Dres­den DLR]


15:30 Ansys, Abaqus, comment on GUIs, feedback session
[Lewin Stein - NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]