Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


The flag "#SBATCH -L ansys" ensures that the scheduler starts jobs only, when licenses are available.
You can check the availability yourself: scontrol show lic

  • aa_r is is a "ANSYS Academic Research License" with 16 4 inclusive tasks. Research jobs with more than 16 4 tasks cost additional "aa_r_hpc" licenses.
  • aa_t_a is a "ANSYS Academic Teaching License" with a maximum of 16 4 tasks. These may be used only for student projects, student instruction and student demonstrations. Eligible users are allowed to activate these, by adding the flag

    titleActivation of the aa_t_a license
    -lpf $ANSYSLIC_DIR/prodord/license.preferences_for_students_and_teaching.xml

    to the Ansys executable.
