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Please submit the complete project proposal for a compute project at NHR@ZIB and NHR@Göttingen to the HLRN service portal. 

A project proposal contains four parts.

  1. meta data ("Stammdaten"), (fill out the online formular)  
  2. main proposal ("Projektbeschreibung"/initial application or "Statusbericht"/status report), abstract ("Kurzbeschreibung"(upload the pdf created by this template (LaTeX, Word )
  3. public abstract (please use this template),  and
  4. a signed letter (automatic e-mail will be sent to the PI

After submission, the proposal is evaluated in a review process organized by the HLRN Scientific Board. Each reviewer obtains access to

  • the project proposal,
  • the history of previous projects,

  • contact data of the HLRN consultant, and
  • aggregated statistics for NPL for  usage of computung time on the HLRN systems.

