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Please submit the complete project proposal for a compute project at the two NHR centers, NHR@ZIB and NHR@Göttingen, to the service portal. A project proposal contains four parts which are described in the sections below.

  1. meta data (fill out the online formular)  
  2. main proposal (upload a PDF which can be created with the template LaTeX proposal template v1.1)
  3. public abstract (please use public abstract template (English/German))
  4. a signed letter (automatic e-mail will be sent to the PI) 

After submission, the proposal is evaluated in a review process organized by the Scientific Board. Each reviewer obtains access to


By the end of the online submission, an email is created sent to the PI by the service portal. This also indicates that your application is successfully submitted. The project proposer is requested to print and sign the document and finally to send it to the Office of the Scientific Board.