Versionen im Vergleich


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The compute nodes of Lise in Berlin ( and Emmy in Göttingen ( have are organized via the following SLURM partitions:

Lise (Berlin)

Partition (number holds cores per node)

Node nameMax. walltimeNodesMax. nodes
per job

Max. jobs (running / queued)
per user

Usable memory MB per node


SharedNPL per node hourRemark

16 / 500

362 000Cascade 924214default partition
standard96:testbcn#1:00:0032 dedicated
+128 on demand
161 / 500362 000Cascade 924214test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large96bfn#12:00:0028416 / 500747 000Cascade 924221fat memory nodes
large96:testbfn#1:00:002 dedicated
+2 on demand
21 / 500747 000Cascade 924221fat memory test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large96:sharedbfn#48:00:002 dedicated116 / 500

747 000

Cascade 924221fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessing
huge96bsn#24:00:002116 / 500

1522 000

Cascade 924228

very fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessing

12 hours are to too short? See here how to pass the 12h walltime limit with job dependencies.


Partition (number holds cores per node)

Node name

Max. walltime

NodesMax. nodes
per job
Max. jobs
per user

Usable memory MB per node

CPU, GPU type

SharedNPL per node hourRemark


12:00:00924256unlimited362 000Cascade 924214default partition
standard96:testgcn#1:00:0016 dedicated
+48 on demand
16unlimited362 000Cascade 924214test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large96gfn#12:00:00122unlimited747 000Cascade 924221fat memory nodes
large96:testgfn#1:00:002 dedicated
+2 on demand
2unlimited747 000Cascade 924221fat memory test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large96:sharedgfn#48:00:002 dedicated +2 on demand1unlimited

747 000

Cascade 924221fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessing

1522 000

Cascade 924228

very fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessing

medium40gcn#48:00:00368128unlimited181 000Skylake  61486

32 dedicated

+96 on demand


181 000

Skylake  61486test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime

764 000

Skylake  614812fat memory nodes

764 000

Skylake  614812fat memory test nodes with higher priority but lower walltime
large40:sharedgfn#48:00:0021unlimited764 000Skylake  614812fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessing
gpuggpu#12:00:0033unlimited764 000Skylake  6148 + Tesla V100 12

see GPU Usage


If you do not request a partition, you your job will be placed on to in the default partition, which is standard96.

The default partitions are suitable for most calculations. The :test partitions are, as the name suggests, intended for shorter and smaller test runs. These have a higher priotity priority and a few dedicated nodes, but are limited in time and number of nodes. Shared nodes are suitable for postpre- processingand postprocessing. A job running on a shared node is only accounted for its core fraction (cores of job / all cores per node). All non-shared nodes are exclusive to one job, which implies that full NPL are paid.


List of CPUs and GPUs at HLRN

GHz per core's 4Lise's login nodes's 3's compute partitions
ShortnameShort nameLink to manufacturer specificationsWhere to findUnits per node

Cores per unit

Clock speed

Cascade 9242Intel Cascade Lake Platinum 9242 (CLX-AP)Lise and Emmy compute partitions2482.3
Cascade 4210Intel Cascade Lake Silver 4210 (CLX)blogin[1-8], glogin[3-8]2102.2
Skylake  6148Intel Skylake Gold 6148Emmy compute partitions2202.4
Skylake 4110Intel Skylake Silver 4110glogin[1-2]282.1
Tesla V100NVIDIA Tesla V100 32GBEmmy gpu partition4


*Tensor Cores / CUDACores