Versionen im Vergleich


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System Lise at NHR@ZIB consists of two partitions, the CPU partition and GPU partition. The GPU partition is under development with a specific documentation for Powerusers power users GPU.


Please login to the gateway nodes using the Secure Shell ssh (protocol version 2), see the example below. The standard gateways are called


Login authentication is possible via SSH keys only. For information and instructions please see our SSH Pubkey tutorial.




Each complex has the following file systems available. More information about Quota, usage, and best pratices are available here. Hints for data transfer are given here.


Hints for fair usage of the shared WORK ressource: Metadata Usage on WORK

Software and


environment modules

The webpage Software gives you information about available software on the HLRN systems.


To avoid conflicts between different compilers and compiler versions, builds of most important libraries are provided for all compilers and major release numbers.




Here only a brief introduction to program building using the intel compiler is given. For more detailed instructions, including important compiler flags and special libraries, refer to our webpage Compilation Guide.


OpenMP support is available with the compilers from Intel and GNU.

Using the


batch system

To run your applications on the HLRN, you need to go through our batch system/scheduler: Slurm. The scheduler uses meta information about the job (requested node and core count, wall time, etc.) and then runs your program on the compute nodes, once the resources are available and your job is next in line. For a more in depth introduction, visit our Slurm documentation.
