Versionen im Vergleich


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a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics for systems with hundreds to millions of particles.


  • GROMACS provides extremely high performance compared to all other programs.
  • GROMACS can make simultaneous use of both CPU and GPU available in a system. There are options to statically and dynamically balance the load between the different resources.
  • GROMACS is user-friendly, with topologies and parameter files written in clear text format.
  • Both run input files and trajectories are independent of hardware endian-ness, and can thus be read by any version GROMACS.
  • GROMACS comes with a large selection of flexible tools for trajectory analysis.
  • GROMACS can be run in parallel, using the standard MPI communication protocol.
  • GROMACS contains several state-of-the-art algorithms.
  • GROMACS is Free Software, available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


  • GROMACS does not do to much further analysis to get very high simulation speed.
  • Sometimes it is challenging to get non-standard information about the simulated system.
  • Different versions sometimes have differences in default parameters/methods. Reproducing older version simulations with a newer version can be difficult.
  • Additional tools and utilities provided by GROMACS are sometimes not the top quality.


VersionInstallation Pathmodulefilecompilercomment
2018.4/sw/chem/gromacs/2018.4/skl/impi-plumedgromacs/2018.4-plumedintelmpiwith plumed
2019.6/sw/chem/gromacs/2019.6/skl/impi-plumedgromacs/2019.6-plumedintelmpiwith plumed

with plumed


*Release notes can be find here


In order to load the GPU enabled version :Coming soon...(avaiable only on the bgn nodes):

Modules can be loaded by using a module load command. Note that the following module files should be loaded first:

module load gcc/11.3.0 intel/2023.0.0 cuda/11.8 gromacs/2023.0

Submission script examples


More information about performance of the simulations and "how to imporve perfomance" can be find here

Useful links


  1. GROMACS User-Guide
  2. PLUMED Home