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Crash Simulation Software - finite element and multiphysics program to analyse the nonlinear response of structures

General Information


Support and Examples


LS-DYNA specific support is provided by
For official examples visit:

General Information


To obtain and checkout a product license please read Ansys Suite first.

executable / flagmeaning
lsdyna(without flags) single precision, shared memory parallel
-dpdouble precision
-mpp -dis -np 96

distributed memory parallel on single 96-core-node

-mpp -dis -machines 1st_node_name:96:2nd_node_name:96

distributed memory parallel on multiple 96-core-nodes

To explore other settings, we recommend the general Ansys launcher GUI (start an interactive job as described in Quickstart, call "launcher" on compute node after loading the Ansys module). Running the (test) job from this GUI will print out your specialized terminal command. Then you can copy the resulting command/flags to your specific Slurm job script file.
To stop an interactive LS-DYNA job press CTRL+C and then "stop"+ENTER.
