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27.04.2023 Parallel programming with MPI

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Registration (to get Zoom link): upcoming April 11, 2023
Format: online workshop, live demos, hands-on examples
Speakers: Dr. Matthias Läuter (NHR@ZIB), Dr. Lewin Stein (NHR@ZIB)


The parallel programming day gives an introduction into parallel programming with MPI. The basic concepts of parallel scaling will be presented giving insight into expectable performance limitations. Users holding a user account for NHR system Lise (at Zuse Institute Berlin) will be able to evaluate code examples which are discussed during the workshop. Performance profiling will be introduced showing a method for the analysis of complex codes.


09:00 parallel architecture and scaling

10:00 workload distribution and MPI communication

11:00 profiling and performance analysis

12:00 end


  • Participants are invited to apply for a user account for NHR system Lise. Then access to the hands-on examples is possible.

  • The slides will be uploaded after the day.