Versionen im Vergleich


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Anaconda package manager (predominantly Python) and mambaforge


Anaconda is a package manager commonly used for Python. mamba (documentation) is a compatible package management tool that is designed to be faster and has a few extra features




The anaconda3  module. See Python for the available versions. To load version 2020.11 for Python 3, you would do


where SHELL  is the name of the shell that you use, which will most likely be bash , tcsh , or zsh .

Creating And Loading Environments

conda (and mamba) work with environments that can have their own packages completely separate from each other. When you create an environment, you can specify any packages you want to install (note, you can install more later). For example, it is common to specify the exact Python version you want in case you don't want the default. To create the environment FOO with Python 3.8 package along with various other packages, you would use


conda deactivate

Setting up Mamba

This section introduces how to set up mamba (documentation). It was kindly provided by our GPU user Anwai Archit, which is lightly edited to fit the format of this documentation and the first item removed (pointed to instructions to setup conda).
