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Please submit the complete project proposal for a compute project at the two NHR centers, NHR@ZIB and NHR@Göttingen, via the service portal JARDS. A project proposal contains four parts which are described in the sections below.

  1. meta data
  2. main proposal
  3. public abstract
  4. a signed letterproposal summary

After submission, the proposal is reviewed by the external Scientific Board. Each reviewer obtains access to


During the course of online submission, the project proposer needs to provide some metadata on the service portal. This includes information about


  • needs to be uploaded as a prepared document in PDF format,
  • is written in English,
  • can should be written in LaTeX based on the This template includes all relevant aspects like project description, computational facets and resource estimation. The LaTeX template includes both proposal types: initial and follow-up.


The LaTeX template / pdf PDF samples internally differentiate between a normal and a short version in case of whitelist status. For more details, look inside the template/samples.





Proposal Summary

By the end of the online submission process, an email is a summary is generated by JARDS which has to be signed and then either sent to the PI by the service portal Office of the Scientific Board or reuploaded to JARDS. This also indicates that your application is successfully submitted. The PI is requested to print and sign the document and finally to send it to the Office of the Scientific Board.