Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Added v. 2022.5


a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics for systems with hundreds to millions of particles.


  • GROMACS provides extremely high performance compared to all other programs.
  • GROMACS can make simultaneous use of both CPU and GPU available in a system. There are options to statically and dynamically balance the load between the different resources.
  • GROMACS is user-friendly, with topologies and parameter files written in clear text format.
  • Both run input files and trajectories are independent of hardware endian-ness, and can thus be read by any version GROMACS.
  • GROMACS comes with a large selection of flexible tools for trajectory analysis.
  • GROMACS can be run in parallel, using the standard MPI communication protocol.
  • GROMACS contains several state-of-the-art algorithms.
  • GROMACS is Free Software, available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


  • GROMACS does not do to much further analysis to get very high simulation speed.
  • Sometimes it is challenging to get non-standard information about the simulated system.
  • Different versions sometimes have differences in default parameters/methods. Reproducing older version simulations with a newer version can be difficult.
  • Additional tools and utilities provided by GROMACS are sometimes not the top quality.

GPU support

GROMACS automatically use uses any available GPUs.  To To achieve the best performance GROMACS uses both GPUs and CPUs in a reasonable balance.


The following versions have been installed:

VersionInstallation Pathmodulefilecompilercomment
Modules for running on CPUs 
2018.4/sw/chem/gromacs/2018.4/skl/impi-plumedgromacs/2018.4-plumedintelmpiwith plumed
2019.6/sw/chem/gromacs/2019.6/skl/impi-plumedgromacs/2019.6-plumedintelmpiwith plumed

with plumed


with plumed

Modules for running on GPUs


*Release notes can be find found here

These modules can be loaded by using a module load command. Note that Intel MPI module file should be loaded first:


Note: Settings of the Thread-MPI ranks and OpenMP threads is for achieve optimal performance. The number of ranks should be a multiple of the number of sockets, and the number of cores per node should be a multiple of the number of threads per rank.

Related Modules


PLUMED is an open-source, community-developed library that provides a wide range of different methods, such as enhanced-sampling algorithms, free-energy methods and tools to analyze the vast amounts of data produced by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. PLUMED works together with some of the most popular MD engines.

Gromacs/20XX.X-plumed modules are versions have been patched with PLUMED's modifications, and these versions are able to run meta-dynamics simulations.

Analyzing results



More information about performance of the simulations and "how to imporve perfomance" can be find here

Useful links


  1. GROMACS User-Guide
  2. PLUMED Home