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A Finite Element Analysis Package for Engineering Application


Access to and usage of the software is regionally limited:

  • Users Only users from Berlin (account names "be*") are allowed to can use the ZIB license on NHR@ZIB systems.
  • Users from other german states can use the software installed on HLRN but have to use their own license from their own license server (see How to bring your own license).


# on NHR@ZIB systems
lmutil lmstat -S -c 1700@ | grep -e "ABAQUSLM:" -e "Users of abaqus" -e "Users of parallel" -e "Users of cae"

# on NHR@GWDG systems
lmutil lmstat -S -c 1055@ | grep -e "ABAQUSLM:" -e "Users of abaqus" -e "Users of parallel" -e "Users of cae"

Example Jobscripts

The input file of the test case (Large Displacement Analysis of a linear beam in a plane) is: c2.inp

Distributed Memory Parallel Processing
