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As a part of the internal program of the NHR Conference we offer a session "Consulting in the NHR alliance". It is devoted to the joint community of colleagues at the NHR centers and all compute centers at universities collaborating to with NHR centers. Experiences, best practices, and ideas for improvements will be presented and discussed.



Tuesday, 19.09.2023, xx:00 - Wednesday, 20.09.2023, ca. 1509.00 am - 10:30 am



Zuse-Institut Berlin
Takustrasse 7
14195 Berlin-Dahlem


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Hinweise zu Unterkünften in ZIB-Nähe enthält das Dokument "Hinweise für Besucher" (PDF)


Table of contents

(Please send your wishes and proposals for extending the agenda to Matthias Läuter, Christian Köhler and/or just update this wiki page).

  1. Welcome and introduction round
  2. Introduction NHR centers and consultants
  3. Support work
  4. Administration and Applications
    1. Jupyterhub in NHR
  5. User training, PR (Workshops, Courses, etc.)
  6. Miscellaneous

Organizational hints

The NHR internal part of the conference agenda can be attended free of charecharge. In particular, any case, a registration is required.

Complementing our session we have the option to contribute to the opportunity to attend more interesting sessions on the NHR Conference. In particular we recommend the following sessions.

  • Tue, 19.09., 10:30 am - Earth system sciences
  • Tue, 19.09., 04:00 pm - Panel Discussion: NHR for Scientists (User & Centers)


  • Wed, 20.09., 11:00 am and 01:00 pm - Vorstellung NHR-Zukunftsprojekte
  • Wed, 20.09.


(Wünsche und Vorschläge bitte an Matthias Läuter, Christian Köhler und/oder gleich hier eintragen).


  1. Jupyterhub in NHR


  • , 02:15 pm Resumée NHR


Zuse-Institut Berlin
Room xx
Takustrasse 7
14195 Berlin-Dahlem

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Location map


Recommendations for finding hotels close to ZIB are available in the document "Hints for visitors" (PDF)