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organizers: Matthias Läuter (NHR@ZIB), Christian Köhler (NHR-NORD@Göttingen), and Robert Schade (PC2)


time: Wednesday, 20.09.2023, 09.00 am - 10:30 am

location: Lecture Hall 1

Table of contents, session "Consulting in the NHR alliance"

Please send your wishes and proposals for extending the agenda to the organizers and/or just update this wiki page.


Joint part, Lecture Hall 1

Welcome and introduction round (NHR centers and consultants at universities)

Presentations on highlight topics:

  • communication ways, mailing lists (mailing lists, chats, etc)
  • NHR groups
    • training, AI webinar+Q&A
    • performance engineering, container
    • security, AAI, HPC consultant networks
    • ASC, Computational Physics Center
    • etc.
  • Zentralprojekte, NHR funding
  • JupyterHub in NHR


  • support work
  • PR, workshops, courses, etc.

Parallel breakout rooms

Computational Life Sciences (Matthias Läuter, Anita Ragyanszki, ZIB) in Lecture Hall 1

  • talks
    • Opening, Anita Ragyanszki
    • Agent-based simulation of trail formation, Felix Höfling
    • Excitations in organic and inorganic compounds, Ronaldo Rodrigues Pela
    • tba, Martin Leandro Paleico
    • Understanding the Origins of Life using Machine Learning methods, Anita Ragyanszki
    • Life Sciences at ZIB, Matthias Läuter
  • session topics
    • local priorities and expertise,
    • expectations and future plans,
    • codes: software currently supported or planned to be, software licences,
    • possible collaboration,
    • keywords: biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, molecular genetics, structural biology, atomistic simulations of biomolecules.

Digital Humanities (Johannes Biermann, GWDG)

Physics/Chemistry (Robert Schade, PC2)

  • Introduction of personnel with code/research areas
  • events/workshops/courses/symposia in the context of the Atomistic Simulation Center (ASC) and Center for Computational Physics (CCCP)
  • get-together in ASC and CCCP
  • software licenses
  • PE/research activities for physics/chemistry codes
  • QC activities

Computational Fluid Dynamics (Patrick Höhn, Uni Göttingen)


Your session → please contact us! (Lächeln)
