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We provide no backup of this filesystem. The storage system of Emmy Lise provides around 65GiB85GiB/s streaming bandwith and Lise around 85GiB/s during the acceptance test. With higher occupancy, the effective (write) streaming bandwidth is reduced.

The storage system is hard-disk based (with SSDs for metadata), so the best performance can be reached with sequential IO of large files that is aligned to the fullstripe size of the underlying RAID6 (Emmy 1MiB, Lise 16MiB).

If you are accessing a large file (1GiB+) from multiple nodes in parallel, please consider to activate striping of the file with the Lustre command lfs setstripe (specific to this file or for a whole directory, changes apply only for new files, so applying a new striping to an existing file requires a file copy) with a sensible stripe_count (recommendation: Emmy up to 32, Lise up to 8) and a stripe_size, which is a multiple of the RAID6 fullstripe size and matches the IO sizes of your job.
