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If you have a significant amount of node-local IO which is not needed to be accessed after job end and will be smaller than 2 TB on Lise and 400 GB/1 TB (depending on the node) on Emmy we recommend using $LOCAL_TMPDIR. Depending on your IO pattern this may accelerate IO to up to 100%.


Especially random IO will be accelerated up to 200% using FastIO on Lise.

Performance Comparison of the different File Systems and SSDs


with IO500

Please remember that we are comparing here a single SSD for the node local SSDs, 43 SSDs for Lustre SSD and 1000 HDDs for Lustre HDD using 32 IO processes per node. For the Lustre filesystems 64 nodes were used to achieve near maximum performance for the Lustre HDD pool. For the Home filesystem with its 120 HDDs only 16 nodes with 10 processes per node were used, as more nodes or processes overloads this small filesystem, resulting in even lower performance.
