Versionen im Vergleich


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Read more on the R project home pageImage Removed

VersionBuild DateInstallation Pathmodulefilecompiler
R 3.5.1 (gcc)06-oct-2018/sw/viz/R/3.5.1R/3.5.1gcc/8.2.0.hlrn
R 3.6.2 (gcc)05-feb-2020/sw/viz/R/3.6.2R/3.6.2gcc/7.5.0
R 4.0.2 (gcc)18-aug-2020/sw/viz/R/4.0.2R/4.0.2gcc/8.3.0
rstudio 0.98.110201-Aug-2014/sw/viz/R/rstudio_1.1.453

For a manual consult the R home pageImage Removed.


For the installation of R-packages by users with the help of rstudio or Rscript, the appropriate compiler module must be loaded in addition to the R-module.



Befor Before starting R, load a modulefile


Running R on the frontends

This is possible, but ressources resources and runtime are is are  limited. Be friendly to other users and work on the shared compute nodes!


The output of salloc shows your job ID. The output of squeue shows the a nodename With squeue you see the node you are going to use. Now login Login with X11-forwarding:

$ ssh -X <nodename>

Load a module file and work interactively as usual. When ready, free the ressourcesresources:

$ scancel <jobID>

You may also use srun:

$ srun -v -p large96:shared --pty --interactive bash

Do not forget to free the resources when ready.

R packages

List of installed R packages

The following packages are installed by default, when a new version of R is installedbuild. Please contact support to extend this list.

Users may request package installation via support or install in their HOME - directory.

Building R-


packages  - users approach

R users Users may install their own packages in the HOME-directory from the rstudio gui or using Rscript. R-packages must be build with the same compiler as R itself was build, see the table above. This happens, when Rscript is used and the appropriate compiler module is loaded. R users may install their own packages in the HOME-directory.

Building R-packages - administrators approach

R administrators may use rstudio or Rscript directly. Hence, for for installation. For installing packages in /sw/viz/R it is suggested, to use Rscript like


This becomes rapidly work intensive, when installing a huge bundle of packages or even the package set for a new R release. For convinienceconvenience, we maintain a list of default packages and scripts to install them all. These are located in the installation directory:


Here also the workarounds are collected needed to install stiff packages, whose developers do not care and do not support all Rscript options..

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