Versionen im Vergleich


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Read more on the R project home pageImage Removed

VersionBuild DateInstallation Pathmodulefilecompiler
R 3.5.1 (gcc)06-oct-2018/sw/viz/R/3.5.1R/3.5.1gcc/8.2.0.hlrn
R 3.6.2 (gcc)05-feb-2020/sw/viz/R/3.6.2R/3.6.2gcc/7.5.0
R 4.0.2 (gcc)18-aug-2020/sw/viz/R/4.0.2R/4.0.2gcc/8.3.0
rstudio 0.98.110201-Aug-2014/sw/viz/R/rstudio_1.1.453

For a manual consult the R home pageImage Removed.


For the installation of R-packages by users with the help of rstudio or Rscript, the appropriate compiler module must be loaded in addition to the R-module.



Befor Before starting R, load a modulefile


Running R on the frontends

This is possible, but ressources resources and runtime are  limited. Be friendly to other users and work on the shared compute nodes!


Load a module file and work interactively as usual. When ready, free the ressourcesresources:

$ scancel <jobID>

You may also use srun:

$ srun -v -p large96:shared --pty --interactive bash

Do not forget to free the ressources resources when ready.

R packages

List of installed R packages

The following packages are installed by default, when a new version of R is build. Please contact support to extend this list.

Users may request package installation via support or install in their HOME - directory.


This becomes rapidly work intensive, when installing a huge bundle of packages or even the package set for a new R release. For convinienceconvenience, we maintain a list of default packages and scripts to install them all. These are located in the installation directory:


