Versionen im Vergleich


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Starting September 2024, the underlying hardware of Lise’s global file systems HOME and WORK will be replaced. This affects all login nodes and all compute partitions. Please be aware of the following activities.

  • One-week downtime for maintenance, preparation steps, and for preliminary transfer of HOME data. NHR@ZIB staff copies all data from the old to the new HOME storage. User’s don’t need to take action regarding their data in HOMENo user action is required.

  • One-day maintenance of the entire system for a final synchronization step between old and new HOME. Old HOME goes offline, new HOME goes online. No user action is required.

  • Two-month migration Migration phase for data in WORK. During this period, both the old and new WORK file systems are available. Users transfer their data from the old to the new WORK storage.



estimated start date



September 30

one-week downtime of the GPU clusters (A100 , and PVC) clusters, our
CPU ( CLX ) cluster is still remains available


end of October

one-day maintenance for all compute systems


end of October 21

two-month migration phase for users to copy their data from the old to the new WORK storage

Migration phase for WORK

In step 2 3 of the schedule, data migration for WORK will be organized as follows.


  • a two-month period starting in OktoberOctober

  • simultaneous user access to the old and new WORK file systems

  • data transfer by users from the old to the new WORK storage (no data transfer by NHR@ZIB staff)
