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Ferret is an your ferret in large and complex gridded data sets. 


Ferret isan interactive computer visualization and analysis environment


for oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets.


General Information



Detailed  Detailed description is found at the Ferret home pageImage Added, where an online-manual for the latest version can be found.

Specific features related to pyferret, i.e., new graphic capabilities and the integration of ferret and python are described at the pyferret home pageImage Added.

Ferret is an interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets. PyFerret is an upgrade to Ferret which runs existing Ferret scripts and includes all Ferret functionality with updated graphics capabilities and additional analysis functions. In addition the pyferret module provides Python functions so Python users can easily take advantage of Ferret's abilities to retrieve, manipulate, visualize, and save data.

Detailed description is found at the ferret home page, where an online-manual for the latest version can be found.

Specific features related to *pyferret*, i.e., new graphic capabilities and the integration of *ferret* and *python* are described at the pyferret description page home page.




Example Jobscripts


Modules and program start

module avail ferret delivers a list of available versions. The desired version can be selected with environmental modules.

module load ferret/<version> selects the version and sets the path to ferret and to other ferret related binaries (i.e. Fpalette). The required Ferret environment variables are defined by the calling wrapper startup-script ferret itself. They become undefined when ferret is terminated. Do not specify them in your .bashrc.

ferret -h

delivers list of program options.

Special features of the HLRN installation


Usage of the pyferret-package with your own python - environment will be enabled after installation of a stable python - version. The wrapper startup-script ferret starts pyferret.

Special go-Files, additional data sets

All additional files are in the directory /sw/viz/ferret/ferret_iow.

Toolscripts (use go/help <script> for help)
Median filtermedian_l , median_test.jnl
Baltic Sea landmaskmodified fland
Baltic Sea coastlinesland_balt_100, land_balt_200
West-African coastlinesland_south
comfortable aggregationaggregate

The median filter is written by E. D. Cokelet. There is a test-script median_test.jnl.

For models of the Baltic Sea regional topographic data sets are compiled and formatted like the etopo data, but with 1 n.m. oder 2 n.m. resolution. For this reason go fland 2 or go fland 1 works too for the Baltic Sea area. Find more Baltic Sea related data and scripts.

Specific palettes

Palettes adcplus.spk, adcpmin.spk and adcp.spk are suitable for visualisation of current fields oscillating around 0. Suitable for centered fill or shade levels.

Data set aggregation

Ferret allows to aggregate data distributed over many files into one logical data set.

For convinience, at HLRN the go-script aggregate can be used.

External functions

The dynamically linked versions of Ferret allow to include new functions as external functions. This has not been tested at HLRN.